Many people aren’t aware of all the benefits of windshield repair. In fact, many auto glass companies purposely confuse or distort the facts so they can get a higher priced glass replacement job. Meanwhile, the consumer may be spending far more than necessary and getting less benefit than they realize. In this post, we will explore 5 benefits of windshield repair that you’ll love!
1. Saves You Money
Repairing a windshield costs a fraction of replacement. In fact, many insurance companies will waive your deductible and pay for the entire repair.
2. Saves You Time and is More Convenient
Repair is much faster than replacement and it is more convenient. Windshield replacement can only be performed under specific conditions. However, SuperGlass can repair a crack or chip in almost any environment, mobile or in-shop, with no degradation of glass quality. In our experience, windshield repair usually takes between 15-30 minutes.
3. Helps Protect the Environment
Windshield repair is environmentally friendly in that it saves resources and energy rather than consuming them and reduces landfill waste. Between 70-90% of damaged windshields can be repaired, eliminating the need to contribute to our solid waste nightmares. As your auto glass repair professionals, SuperGlass is proud to say that windshield repair is a safe, emissions-free process that reduces the demand for glass and energy waste. If you’d like to know how SuperGlass strives to be environmentally friendly, please check out our post “Brevard Can Go Green with Windshield Repair”.
4. Retains a Factory Seal
No windshield is quite as safe as the original that was installed when your vehicle was built. With repair, we don’t need to remove the seals and potentially reduce the effectiveness of the OEM glass in your vehicle. Filling a crack is far safer and allows you to drive immediately following the repair.
5. Maintains the Value of Your Vehicle
A repair leaves the windshield and its seal intact, retaining the vehicle’s value. A replacement, especially one that contains inferior glass and adhesive, can actually lower the vehicle’s resale value.
Call Us Today
As a leader in windshield repair, we guarantee that our repair to your chipped or cracked windshield will be perfect and permanent! If it can’t be repaired, we can replace it using only high-quality glass and adhesives produced in the U.S. For expert advice, call SuperGlass at (321) 223-4106.