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Windshield Repair, an Eco-Friendly Choice

Brevard Can Go Green with Windshield Repair

Everyone faces choices every day that carry a climate cost. When you have a chip or crack in your windshield, the options are to repair or replace it. Repairing your windshield keeps non-recyclable auto glass out of landfills, saves resources and energy plus it’s less expensive than windshield replacement.

It is estimated that between 70-90% of damaged windshields can be repaired, eliminating the need to contribute to our solid waste nightmares.

Saving resources:

Check out these statistics on windshield manufacturing. In making one average 26 lb. windshield:

  • 156 gallons of water are used in manufacturing
  • 1,508,000 BTUs of energy are expended
  • 52 pounds of carbon emissions are expelled

Since windshield replacement happens an estimated 45,000 times a day, each day the glass industry uses:

  • 7,020,000 gallons of water
  • 67,869,000,000 BTUs of energy
  • Creates 2,340,000 lbs. of carbon emissions

You can do the math to get annual numbers but we’d rather not; it’s just too scary!

Reducing landfill waste:

According to the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services it takes 1 million years for a glass bottle to decompose in the environment. So where does damaged glass go? Most damaged glass goes to local landfills, there are only a few windshield replacement companies that recycle. So that one windshield being replaced and not repaired adds 26 lbs. of glass – 585 tons annually – to landfills that are already 12% – 15% glass. There it will remain long after we and hundreds of generations after us have passed.

How can we help?

As your auto glass repair professionals, SuperGlass is proud to say that windshield repair is a safe, emissions-free process that reduces the demand for glass and energy waste. At SuperGlass we encourage our clients to make the most eco-friendly choice.

Call Us Today

As a leader in windshield repair, we guarantee that our repair to your chipped or cracked windshield will be perfect and permanent! If it can’t be repaired, we can replace it using only high-quality glass and adhesives produced in the U.S. For expert advice, call SuperGlass at (321)223-4106.